
That does not fit the menus on my version of Openoffice (version 3.4.1. on a 


On 12. Jun 2013, at 21:48 , Girvin R. Herr <> wrote:

> The backup files are stored where the backup path setting is set to.  See:
>   Tools -> Options -> OpenOffice -> Paths
> and look for the "Backups" entry in the list.  That will tell you where the 
> backups are stored.
> Also, the option "Always create backup copy" must be selected in:
>   Tools -> Options -> Load/Save -> General
> in order for a backup copy to be saved.
> Hope this helps.
> Girvin Herr
> Kadal Amutham wrote:
>> Generally a backup file will be saved in the same directory, file name will
>> be same but with a different extension. To recover, change the extension
>> and open with the same application
>> With Warm Regards
>> V.Kadal Amutham
>> 919444360480
>> 914422396480
>> On 12 June 2013 00:08, Hannah Aubry <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was working on a document and goofed, deleting two pages. I hadn't saved
>>> it yet, but had seen the autosave loading bar several times so I figured I
>>> would be able to recover the two pages by closing the document. Did I just
>>> completely delete the file or will it be saved somewhere on my computer? I
>>> am running OpenOffice 3.4.1 on Mac OS X version 10.7.5
>>> Thank you so much!
>>> Best,
>>> Hannah
>>> --
>>> *Hannah Aubry* | Northwestern University, 2014
>>> School of Communication | Theatre Major | Film and Media Studies Minor
>>> SONIC Laboratory | Research Assistant
>>> 415.497.9050 |
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