Hi Brian, I appreciate your help... BUT... when I go under preferences... this 
is the dialogue box that come up. I can't find the box with "formulas" to 
Un-tick. BUT I do feel we are getting closer to the problem.  I really have 
been searching. Any other thoughts as to where this formulas box may be??? 
Thanks, Nancy

On 2013-03-04, at 7:38 AM, Brian Barker wrote:

> At 06:46 04/03/2013 -0800, Nancy Street wrote:
>> When I go to Tools... there is not an OPTIONS heading? It starts off as 
>> Spelling, Language, goal seek, solver... where would the options be?
> Usually at the bottom of that menu, but it's absent in one circumstance.  
> Read on.
>> I have entered the formula correctly... I've even had my very nerdy friend 
>> come over and he is stumped as well. Somehow the cell IS interpreting it as 
>> text and not giving the answer (the answer IS in the Page preview and also 
>> on the bottom ...but NOT in the cell.)
> The conclusion from that is the opposite, in fact: if you get the right value 
> at all, the formula must be working, so it must have been entered correctly.  
> The problem must be my first suggestion: that you have the options set to 
> display formulae, not results.
>> I even went as far as trashing the program and re downloading it... but the 
>> same thing happens.
> That makes sense as well: option settings are stored in the user profile, 
> which is intentionally preserved across any reinstallation or upgrade.
>> I downloaded it onto my laptop and it works fine...
> ... where you have a separate - possibly default - profile without this 
> setting.
>> ... but not on my iMac.
> Aha!  That's the clue.  Apparently in Mac OS the options are accessed through 
> a different menu.  Go to OpenOffice.org | Preferences | OpenOffice.org Calc | 
> View | Display | Formulas and remove that tick.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker

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