
You're talking to the wrong person.  I'm Greg Brendon, and I'm not computer 
knowledgeable.  .Perhaps you're thinking of Stan Kobylanski.  We're both 
members of the Columbus Table Tennis Club in Ohio, but he sends out more E-mail 
than I do.  

Greg Brendon




To reach the Columbus Table Tennis by telephone, please call 614-973-8584.      

--- On Sat, 2/2/13, Rory O'Farrell <> wrote:

From: Rory O'Farrell <>
Subject: Re: Presentations
Date: Saturday, February 2, 2013, 4:47 AM

On Fri, 1 Feb 2013 18:59:52 -0600
"Stephen J. Lemmons" <> wrote:

> Dear Sir;
>      I've been looking at and experimenting with Open Office.   In
> particular your presentation package.   I like what I see, however, I
> haven't been able to find one thing.  How do you put your presentation on a
> CD with a viewer so it can be viewed on another PC that doesn't have Open
> Office?   I'm trying to set up some class material for my minister who is
> computer illiterate.   I need to give him something that he doesn't have to
> try and search all over his computer trying to find a particular piece of
> software.   Can you help?  After what I've been through the past two weeks
> I really don't want to use any version of MS Office.

As far as I know there is at present no OpenOffice Presenation viewer.  One can 
download a free Powerpoint Viewer from Microsoft, which should (but try it!) 
work with OpenOffice Impress files saved in .ppt (MS Office 97/2000/XP format 
for presentations); however, one should check that such presentations work 
correctly with the viewer, as the MS Office formats have been reverse 
engineered and some subtleties of display may be lost.

Rory O'Farrell <>

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