On Open Office 3.2 (old, I know), I do the following:

Format --> Page --> Sheet --> Scale --> Scaling Mode

You probably want one of the "Fit print..." choices.

Haim (Howard) Roman
Computer Center, Jerusalem College of Technology
Phone: 052-8-592-599 (6022 from within Machon Lev)

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Abigayle Gibson <
financeoffi...@cityofparsons.com> wrote:

> To whom it may concern:
> I have been trying to print a spreadsheet out in open office. I am trying
> to get it to fit to one page and it has taken me days to try to get it
> formatted to fit one page. I have had to work with increasing and or
> decreasing the rows, columns, font and font size to try to get it to fit to
> one page and then there is still ample room on the print preview to
> increase the size of the font (as with all of our employees we have sight
> problems). It has been a nightmare compared to using Microsoft. So I am
> hoping you can enlighten me on an easier way to get this spreadsheet
> increased to fit one page so that it is readable.
> Thanks,
> Abby

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