The file is binary, the last for characters, ASBF, were associated with a Trojan.
in 2008 i stored a couple of files, generated with the then most up to
date oo-word-processor, on an external hard disk.the other day, when i
opened one of those files with the present oo-word-processor, i found
that -depending on the text-filter i used- i could read lots of "funny"
characters, except a coherent text.i attached the file, perhaps you -as
the present oo-specialists- have an idea how to make it readable. btw. i
did already ask a handful of specialists here. they provided me with
professional advice, alas it was all unsuccessful.
- Re: open office Andrew Douglas Pitonyak
- RE: open office Dennis E. Hamilton
- RE: open office Dennis E. Hamilton
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- Open Office PJH
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- Open office Cliff
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- Re: Open office Robert Funnell
- Re: Open office Urmas
- Open office Derek Berry