This sounds confusing / unexpected. I am adding some comments inline. I will repeat some items for clarification.

You mention "exe" files, so I assume that you are using Windows. Hopefully someone more well versed in Windows idiosyncrasies will respond as well.

On 01/11/2013 04:45 AM, Gabriel Loy wrote:
I have been using Apache open office for some time now,

You installed Apache OpenOffice (AOO) and have been using it. (I infer that it was installed and working)

and have had occaxxional glitches with exe files.

What do you mean by "glitch"? Do you mean that you try to run it and an error occurs, then you run it and it works? If there is an error, be as specific as possible.

After downloading the latest update i am now in a virtual lock out situation. When i try to run the software a dialog box tells me there is a problem with "soffice" and a search initiates whixh end in the same position, ie "cannot access the file". I have no means of accesing the files in order to find where or what the problems are. It seems to me that the file is missing or corrupted.

Can you help? please

Gabriel Loy

My recommendation is that you

Remove AOO from your computer. Do you know how to uninstall a program? I don't have a windows machine near by, but what you need to do will vary depending on your version of windows. YOu need to do something like

Start > Control Panel > Uninstall Programs

That Uninstall part may be called "add / remove", or something like that. Find OpenOffice, and remove it.

After you uninstall AOO, then, try a full install.

This should not take more than 10 minutes to try assuming you already have a copy of the latest AOO to install.

Another thought. The install process leaves a directory on your desktop (I believe) that contains a copy of the install files. I assume that you are running AOO by using "Start > All Programs > select AOO" rather than from a potentially older short-cut on your desktop.

Andrew Pitonyak
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