I have a new computer and have installed a new copy of open office and cannot remember how to disable one of the auto correct features. In particular, I do not want it to automatically change the first letter after a period to an upper case letter. In case it matters, I'm on Windows 7 and OOo 3.4.1.

Under help I found this:

   To Stop Capitalizing the First Letter of a Sentence


   Choose *Tools -- AutoCorrect Options*.


   Click the *Options* tab.


   Clear the "Capitalize first letter of every sentence" check box.

However under the Tools menu the only entries are:
Macros   >
Extension Manager...

So I looked under Options but still found nothing about AutoCorrect.

Dale Erwin
Jr. 28 de Julio 657, Depto. 03
Magdalena del Mar, Lima 17 PERU

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