

If your prefix is /home/user/bin, mpicc will be installed in /home/user/


Are you running mpicc on the machine that built Open MPI?

That error could happen if building with an external PMIx library, and 
the one being used does not implement a subroutine than the one used at 
configure time.

Forcing the use of the internal PMIx (e.g. configure --with-pmix=
internal) could be a workaround.





----- Original Message -----

Good morning,


I'm building version 5.0.3 and the configuration and installation all 
seem to go fine. I'm installing into my home directory:




So I configured it with the command:


CC=gcc FC=gfortran ./configure prefix=/home/user/bin


gcc is version 11.4.0 and gfortran is version 11.4.0 as well (this is 
Ubuntu 22.04).


I don't spot anything in the configure output so I did make; make 


I prepended to $PATH, "/home/user/bin; /home/user/sbin; /home/user/
include". I prepended "/home/user/lib" to $LD_LIBARY_PATH. The paths 
seem to work fine.


$ which mpicc


However, when I try "mpicc -v", I get the following error.


$ mpicc -v

mpicc: symbol lookup error: mpicc: undefined symbol: PMIx_Info_create

Did something not get built?






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