Hello Jiri,

On Thursday 29 August, 2024 at 04:58:39 pm IST, Jiri Denemark 
<jdene...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> * Does the same waiting happen when using options (2) and (3) above?
>No. The explicit "virsh migrate-postcopy" request expects the user to
>decide when to switch to post-copy by monitoring the migration.
>> * While running migration tests switch to postcopy appears to
>>   happen within 2 seconds of starting migration.
>>   - Is that reasonable time to switch from pre-copy to postcopy?
>No, that's not very reasonable. Basically every memory page access would
>have to be delayed until the page is transferred from the source host.
>>   - Is there an ideal time to wait before switching to postcopy?
>Not really. As the name suggests this is meant as a timeout, i.e.,
>switch to post-copy if pre-copy migration is taking too long and thus is
>unlikely to ever converge. So logically the timeout should be long
>enough to give pre-copy migration to do its job. In this case, switching
>to post-copy is an alternative approach to CPU throttling for helping
>migration to converge.
>> * The feature page below suggests to wait until one cycle of RAM migration 
>> has completed
>>   -> https://wiki.qemu.org/Features/PostCopyLiveMigration 
>Right, that's definitely a good approach as only memory pages that
>changed during migration will have to be transferred from the source.

* Okay, great! Thanks so much for these details, I appreciate it.

Thank you.
  - Prasad

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