On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 4:41 PM, jd1008 <jd1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So, it begs the question:
> Can I create a disk with msdos partitioning scheme,
> none of the partitions marked as bootable, and have bios
> quickly skip over it to the next device in the boot sequence?

If you partition the disk you want skipped with parted and friends
(ill advised for reason I previously mentioned), then you need to
remove the bootload jump code it writes to LBA 0, by zeroing the first
440 bytes as I and others previously described.

If you partition with fdisk there is no code to erase it will just be
skipped. However, fdisk will not erase existing code. So this only
applies going forward. Same for gdisk. And same for their variants.

Chris Murphy
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