On 04/06/15 01:49 AM, Kevin Wilson wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently installed Fedora 20 on x86_64 machine . I
> also installed several packages on this machine. When I boot my Fedora
> 20 machine, "ifconfig -a"  shows that there is virbr0 and it is up.
> It is probably due to some rpm/service which I installed.
> Any idea which rpm/service could it be ? is there a way I could find
> (apart from guessing) which
> rpm/service is that one ?
> Regards,
> Kevin

It is libvirtd's NAT'ed bridge for VMs.

Disable the libvirtd service and it won't be there on reboot.

To permanently delete it:

virsh net-destroy default
virsh net-autostart default --disable
virsh net-undefine default

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