On 06/01/2015 02:55 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 06/02/15 05:23, Rick Stevens wrote:
Did it at least ask you for the root password? If it didn't and you
could do an update/install as a non-wheel user, then that's a HUGE
security hole and I'd BZ it immediately.

Just checked and the "good" news is that a user must enter the root password to 
add/erase packages using the graphical tools.

Yes, "good" (emphasis on the quotes) is the proper way to put it.
Updates can break stuff. Any operation that could break a functioning
system should require root authentication. I'd bugzilla that--probably
against polkit.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-   Let us think the unthinkable. Let us do the undoable. Let us     -
-   prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may  -
-                      not eff it up after all.                      -
-                                                 -- Douglas Adams   -
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