On Sat, 2015-05-30 at 19:41 -0600, jd1008 wrote:
> On 05/30/2015 06:51 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> > On 05/30/15 10:40, Matthew Miller wrote:
> > > is pretty effective. Primary downside: if you have SELinux 
> > > violations,
> > > you don't get (as close to as SELinux gets) user-friendly 
> > > explanations.
> > Of course the biggest downside to turning off auditd, and 
> > potentially other logging services, is that when error/problems 
> > exist you'll not be notified nor will you have a record of what 
> > went wrong.  So, I can easily see situations where things are 
> > failing but there is no log or evidence as to why.  Thus, making 
> > troubleshooting nearly impossible.
> > 
> I understand.
> It's just that I want to reduce the number of tasks running in level 
> 5 
> to a minimum.
> I am getting rather short on ram and cpu bandwidths because some
> programs that I use to edit large mp4 or webm or avi files need as 
> much
> ram and cpu bandwidth as they can get.
> One might argue that I would not gain much in that regard.
> But I think I should be able to gain some tha will reduce the
> total time it takes to do the mods to those media files.

Which desktop are you using? That probably has more effect on RAM usage
than turning off auditing. As for cpu load, I suspect that audit processes have 
a minimal effect unless you have evidence to the

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