> On May 29, 2015, at 10:42 PM, Christopher Bachner
> <b.christopher...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On May 29, 2015, at 5:26 PM, Michael D. Setzer II <mi...@kuentos.guam.net
>> <mailto:mi...@kuentos.guam.net>> wrote:
>> On 29 May 2015 at 22:22, Bill Oliver wrote:
>> Date sent: Fri, 29 May 2015 22:22:36 +0000 (UTC)
>> From: Bill Oliver <ven...@billoblog.com
>> <mailto:ven...@billoblog.com>>
>> To: "Michael D. Setzer II" <mi...@kuentos.guam.net
>> <mailto:mi...@kuentos.guam.net>>
>> Copies to: Community support for Fedora users
>> <users@lists.fedoraproject.org <mailto:users@lists.fedoraproject.org>>
>> Subject: Re: I lost Windows boot option on installation of
>> Fedora 22
>> In doing some searching, it appears that os-prober is looking for the
>> bootmgr
>> file, and it isn't either finding it, or it is somewhere it isn't looking.
>> I would at each of the partition and see if any have the bootmgr program on
>> them. Wondering if it is on the efi labeled partition only?
>> My windows 7 machines originally had two partitions, and bootmgr was on
>> both, so I modified the process to filter out the recover partition on as to
>> not
>> show up on the grub list. There was also one site that talked about files
>> being
>> hidden, and os-prober couldn't then see them??
>> Also, might want to run strace os-prober and see if it is checking the
>> partitions.
>> Had a server 2008 machine some time ago, and it had a separate partition
>> with bootmgr on it, and nothing on the actual c partition.
>> Haven't worked with an efi setup, so it might be the bootmgr has a different
>> name, perhaps copying it to bootmgr.
>> Probable going to be something simple once it is figured out.
>>> billo
> You can find bootmgr.exe on your Windows 7 Disk.
> If the system partition has been removed, I don’t think you are actually
> screwed.
Sorry, I think it was not clear enough. I meant Windows 7 Installation Disk.
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