On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 02:10:10PM -0400, David Cary Hart wrote:
> [dch@dch-reptile ~]$ dnf list available *Google* [NOTE the capital "G"]
> ... and so on BUT do it in lowercase and:
> [dch@dch-reptile ~]$ dnf list available *google*

I'll bet you dollars to donuts that what you're seeing here is not fun
with DNF but actually fun with _bash_, and with wildcards in specific.

Bash does a helpful but sometimes annoyingly magical thing where if a
wildcard doesn't match anything, it passes the wildcard character on to
the command. So, since you have nothing that matches *Google* with a
captial G in your home directory, DNF gets those, and does a wildcard
search (and defaults to being case insensitive).

But, I bet you have a file containing *google* in your home directory.
Now, the wildcard matches, and DNF is asked to search for whatever that
exact filename is — and then since that's unlikely to exactly match a
package name, you get no results.


  dnf list available "*google*"

which keeps the wildcards from expanding.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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