On 05/27/15 22:09, David Cary Hart wrote:
> Can someone more technically proficient than I explain where the error is 
> occurring? I need enough information to file a bug report - somewhere.
> I do know that it is not a Thunderbird issue because the exact same thing 
> happens in Evolution. Moreover, the problem does not extend to Google 
> calendars which sync just fine.

With what little testing I've done it would appear to be an issue with the 

I would go here ...  http://hogi.sakura.ne.jp/en/gmcont/gmcont.rhtml

And then send an email to the author to see if he would help diagnose the issue.

You also may want to try the latest beta that can be downloaded from his site.  
I noticed that the beta is from Feb 2014 so I'm not sure how active the author 
is in keeping up with the changes to Google's API.

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