On 05/26/2015 10:44 PM, Kevin Cummings wrote:
 From the log of the not working machine, there are a bunch of lines

It seems like whatever does this part was not executed:

[     0.080] (II) fedup:<module>() /usr/bin/fedup 0.9.2 starting at Tue
May 26 20:17:05 2015
[     0.117] (II) fedup.sysprep:remove_cache() removing
[     0.168] (II) fedup.sysprep:remove_cache() removing
[     0.874] (II) fedup.sysprep:remove_cache() removing
[     0.874] (II) fedup.sysprep:remove_cache() removing
[     0.875] (II) fedup.sysprep:misc_cleanup() removing symlink
[     0.875] (II) fedup.sysprep:misc_cleanup() removing
[     0.875] (II) fedup.sysprep:misc_cleanup() removing
[     0.875] (II) fedup:<module>() /usr/bin/fedup exiting cleanly at Tue
May 26 20:17:06 2015
Note that the timestamp has reset to 0.0something in the working
version.  This should have corresponded to the reboot into the new F22
kernel.  It did not happen, and you claim you are still running the F21
kernel.  Check to see if the F22 packages are installed, and if there is
an F22 kernel in your grub menu.

Is there a way to do it manually?
The way to do it manually (actually depends on how much actually got
installed) is to do it via yum (dnf?):

        yum install --releasever=22 fedora-release
        yum update

[disclaimer, I have not updated any of my machines to 22 yet.
  My primary home server runs F19, my laptop runs F20, and I have an old
  old test system running F21.]



I got it working. I did grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg, then grub2-install /dev/sda, then I rebooted.

It went into the fedup install procedure again, and this time it completed correctly.

I still don't know what happened, but it seems to be working now.



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