On 05/26/2015 01:19 PM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:

On 26/05/15 13:07, Gordon Messmer wrote:
On 05/26/2015 08:44 AM, Mickey wrote:
Ed, I look through Thunderbirds Preferences and I could not find those
settings, where are they located ?
Not under preferences, but under account settings.

Edit -> Account Settings -> <your account> -> Composition & Addressing -> Compose messages in HTML format.

Preferences > Composition > General >  Send options

Finally got my Drone Flight Controller Connections in WIndows 7 working, the tech guy at the company in San Diego used the App Teamviewer to connect to my Laptop and get the correct Com Ports working.
BUT!!!!, I would prefer  to be working with Fedora 21 , if I could only 
get the USB/COM port working to connect MissionPlanner to my Drone.
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