
I am just learning about btrfs on my home system.

How do I know what kind of options where used to create a BTRFS filesystem?
I installed F21 from scratch and I  created a BTRFS filesystem on a HDD.
I think I created it with the "single" option.

Now I read that that is dangerous, I should have created it as one of the
raids if I want to have data redundancy and protection vs bit rot (which is
what I was looking forward to).

How can I verify it? Also, If I want to change it, can I do it IN-PLACE or
do I have to reformat/recreate the filesystem?

Thanks for whatever help/illumination you might provide. I am catching up
on btrfs, but I am not there yet.


 |O O|  pepeb...@gmail.com
 ~~~~     Javier Perez
 ~~~~          While the night runs
 ~~~~          toward the day...
  m m       Pepebuho watches
                from his high perch.
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