On 05/12/2015 11:59 AM, Ronal B Morse wrote:
On 05/12/2015 11:53 AM, jd1008 wrote:

It would be a great idea if Fedora would provide
a way to downgrade to the immediately previous release
(from which the upgrade was performed), if the user
decides (for some reason) to return to the previous
release. This would completely obviate the need to
do a backup, and restore - especially for a 1TB or
more drives (I have a 4TB drive, for example).


JD, I get the idea, but not the mechanics. Are you saying the upgrader should create an image of the system partition (ala clonezilla or partimage) before starting the actual upgrade? Windows sort of does this when you install a new version (and the backup store is a minor pain to delete after a successful upgrade).


Since an existing current installation has the rpm database,
is not possible to save that in a fashion similar to what
happens when you run fedup (which requires a reboot to
actually finish up the upgrade).

So, a downgrade would involve the same process as the upgrade,
but based on all the rpms saved (i.e. the downgrade would not start
with the release iso image rpms, but would rather download the
rpms according the list of rpms saved during fedup).

The only issue would be the conf files - and those are easy to
backup and restore by the user prior to doing fedup.


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