On 05/11/2015 07:33 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:

But I haven't actually solved my problem.

I've continued to try to get my SilverCrest WiFi extender working
(model SWR 300 a1, from Lidl).
(Actually, I've asked in a few places about this,
and never heard from anyone who has it working.)

The manual says the device has IP address,
but as far as I can see you have to have a machine
running 192.168.1.something to see the device's web-page?
I know 192.168.10.* is an allowed address,
but is it so popular that one can assume it is in use?

In any case, I managed to see the device's web-page briefly,
by switching off WiFi on my laptop, connecting the device
to the laptop by ethernet, and changing the laptop's ethernet address
to .
Now I could see the web-page at for about 30 seconds,
before it disappeared and my laptop lost its ethernet IP address
(ifconfig just gave an IPv6 address).

You should be able to access the device over the network in wifi mode
simply by entering the ip address in the address line of your router.
In Firefox, it says "Search or enter address" so on that line enter That should bring up the range extender. If it looks for
a name, try "admin" and as a password, try "admin" again. Presumably
the second, at least, can be changed once you have access to the device.

Meanwhile, have you looked at the user manual? It is available at


I looked thru a bit of it, and my guess as to the user name and password is
correct. I suggest you print the whole manual out and read it starting after
all the safety stuff, and then you will be able to use the device and
know it's working.


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