On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan
<pocallag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not to be snarky, but if upgrading terrifies you then perhaps Fedora is
> not the right distro for your needs. Regular updating is part of the
> Fedora mindset. The system is designed to be updated at least once a
> year.

The problem is that newer versions tend to break everything, which
makes for a sucky end user experience. I've been doing this since Red
Hat 3.0.3 and up, so it's not as if this is all new to me. While there
has been the odd release with problems over the years, it's largely
been a trouble free existence. But that has definitely changed in the
last few years. I'm wary of upgrading now, because too much breaks,
and no one cares enough to fix it. The problem is, I haven't yet found
another alternative that's any better. But for me it's becoming harder
and harder to justify sticking with Fedora.


"Java is a DSL for taking large XML files and converting them to stack
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