On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 04:08:23PM +1200, Rolf Turner wrote:
> The seeming necessity for upgrading arises from a pressing need to upgrade
> "R" to version 3.2.0.  When I try to build this version I get a load of
> error messages (basically coming from gcc I think) like unto:
> >connections.o: In function `gzcon_write':
> >/home/rolf/Desktop/Rinst/R-3.2.0/src/main/connections.c:5469: undefined 
> >reference to `deflate'
> There were also complaints about undefined references to inflate, crc32,
> deflateEnd, inflateEnd, inflateReset, inflateInit2_, deflateInit2_,
> compress, uncompress, and zlibVersion, many of which were issued repeatedly.
> It finally gave up, saying:
> >collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> People from the R-help mailing list said that the problem lies in some
> "compression related" libs --- zlib, bzlib, liblzma.
> I tried installing zlib and zlib-devel (using yum install) and was told in
> both cases that my system was up-to-date.  I tried installing bzlib and was
> told there was nothing by that name.  I then installed lzma and lzma-devel
> (*that* seemed to work) but it didn't help.  Same undefined references
> problems as before.
> It was also suggested that I try building R-patched.  So I tried; no help
> there either.
> So: Can anyone suggest what I can or should do to overcome this problem
> *without* having to upgrade?

Regarding building R from source; since Fedora already ships R, and you
are just compiling a newer version yourself, I would use the standard
Fedora spec file and patches with your tarball and put it on copr[1].
Then all the building dependency/hassle is taken care of.  All you need
to do is update the tarball from time to time.

If this does not suit you, you can always install all required deps with
`yum-builddep R'.  This however might not be enough since your Fedora is
2 yrs old, and R might have picked up new dependencies.

Hope this helps,


[1] https://copr-fe.cloud.fedoraproject.org/coprs/


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