On 05/08/2015 10:08 AM, jd1008 wrote:
> FC21.
> If this question is off-topic for this list,
> please delete and ignore.
> I have 2 profiles on Firefox.
> They both have identical add-on's via firefox's drop-down menu
> Tools -> Add-ons
> on both profiles, add-ons have identical setup/configuration.
> On one profile, I can play youtube vids, no problem.
> On the other profile, youtube plays, but does not 'display'
> the video. The video screen remains black.
> I checked and rechecked the settings on both profiles
> and they are identical.
> So, what else should I look at to get to the bottom of this.

When running the profile that doesn't play the videos, are you able to
see the videos choosing html5 from this link:
https://www.youtube.com/html5 ?

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