I just tried upgrade my F19/i686 PC to F21/i686, but I'm frustrated:

- (bigger harm) Why hasn't Fedora alternative (upstart/openrc) init?
In F14- times all things worked for me flawlessly, was not problem
for me create init script for new (Fedora unsupported) services, was
not problem for me create init script for another network daemon
instance running on different port etc. From F15 (almost unworkable
distro) to now, I have lot of problems with systemd, including
inaccessible system - I not know this state since RH 4, when I first
started using Redhat (and then Fedora disribution).
When systemd presents itself as compatible with sysvinit, then IMO
having alternative init in Fedora should not be too big problem.

- (smaller harm) Why hasn't systemd option to run without journald?
I want to have, of course, all my logs made using rsyslogd (want text
logs, no some binary blobs; are also other reasons for this concept).
Why then in my system must run journald daemon, quite useless,
occupying 2.5+ MB of memory?

Has anyone some experience with alternative inits on Fedora?
Or is there some (Fedora based) distro with alternative init?

PS: up to F14, I was not afraid even to install a beta version of
Fedora. Since then I install a new distribution up to some time after
release, and I'm afraid that everything will not go. I understand
that it is not in good condition either for me or for the community.
I want to contribute to the success of the Fedora - at least, by
reporting bugs, etc.
I would like to again find Fedora, as it had been before.
TIA, Franta Hanzlik

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