On 04/25/15 18:18, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I'm running Fedora/KDE, and I don't see anything called "Airplane mode"
> (or Airplane anything) in KNetworkManager.

I don't know what you mean by "KNetworkManager" but I am running F21/KDE.

I am using "kde-plasma-nm".  When I left-click on the Network-Icon in the 
systray a dialog is exposed.  At the very top are 2 check-boxes.  The left most 
check box is for turning the WiFi on.  I have a desk top with wifi and wired.  
To the right of the WiFi is another box with a little airplane.  This turns 
on/off airplane mode.  I wonder if/what the difference is...but since I rarely 
use the WiFi on this system I've not spent any time to investigate.

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