On 04/07/2015 12:50 PM, jdow wrote:

Forums don't work after a remarkably short time unless there is a strong
moderator presence and participation. For over a decade I moderated one
of the most active Amiga developer related forums on any online service.

They also don't work very well unless the users are willing and able to answer questions and give assistance. I was on one forum years ago that was effectively "write only" because nobody ever responded to posts no matter what the subject. The one exception was that any post that said anything uncomplimentary to the devs of that package would promptly get flamed. Not by the devs (They made a great big fetish of not following the "help" forum.) but by the users. Weird! Once I realized how useless that forum was, I quickly abandoned it, and I've long gotten rid of the program itself.
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