aha.. we have success...

steps to repeat:

generate the base page to get the initial content, as well as the cookie

wget -S "https://isiscc.smc.edu/pls/apex/f?p=123:1:12101780574999:::::";
 -O  smc.dat

extract the required cookie:

this goes in the wget as the cookie header

use the returned smc.dat file to determine the required attributes
that change.  In this case, we need


search/copy these vals from the data

in order to generate the post data, you can do it in a couple of ways.
I viewed the returned post data from a few different pages of the site
in my fav viewer/debugger, and determined that all of the variables
appear to be the same/consistent.  For real accuracy, and in a
crawler, it would be useful to simply do a xpath on the hidden
name/vals  and use that data to generate the post-data.

but we cheat for now:
so the base post-data consists of

the class ID p_v07 changes based on the sel/opt within the page -80
happens to be for chem.

so combining everything together...

we get the wget
wget --no-cookies --header "Cookie:
--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2009061118 Fedora/3.0.11-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.11" -O -
  -L "https://isiscc.smc.edu/pls/apex/wwv_flow.accept";

now, it might be useful to test to see if this will also work against
the base initial page of

wget -S "https://isiscc.smc.edu/pls/apex/f?p=123:1:0::NO:RP:"; -O smc.dat

I suspect it should

thanks for your help on this.. I'm reposting back to the fed list in
case anyone needs something like this in the future!

I was never able to get this working for the curl/pycurl process.

It appears to have something to do with the cert/ssl issues...


On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 4:49 PM, Alchemist <raimi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2015-04-02 23:30 GMT+03:00 bruce <badoug...@gmail.com>:
>> Hmm..
>> ok..here;s the process I'm going to test... (and by the way. thanks
>> much for the cycles you've used to help with this. Helps to sometimes
>> have someone to bounce things off of! much appreciation)
>> it appears that we can generate the "cookies" (or at least you can)
>> from the initial 2 line cookie script/test - and that this can then be
>> inserted in the wget, using "post data"
>> So the issue then appears to be how to generate the required post data.
>> If we assume the site generates key attributes in the base/top level
>> page, and that these attributes can then be used in the post-data for
>> the subsequent calls, it becomes a matter of then determining which
>> attributes are required to be used from the base page (as it changes),
>> and which attributes can simply be "set" and not changed.
>> I'm going to test this by taking the base page, ripping off the xpath
>> to get the name/val data, and to see if this works..
>> By the way, with the updated data you replied with, just how did you
>> regenerate the post data?
>> thanks
> Yes. A quick look uncovered, that wwvFlowForm contains some (perhaps all of
> required to send valid request) of theese attributes. Also take a look at
> pPageChecksum, and apex_layout_***longint*** in html code.
> JS responsible to generate request is located here
> https://isiscc.smc.edu/i/libraries/apex/minified/legacy.min.js
> and some other here
> https://isiscc.smc.edu/i/libraries/apex/minified/desktop_all.min.js
> https://isiscc.smc.edu/i/libraries/apex/minified/widget.checkboxAndRadio.min.js
> It's captured resquest from site generated request, just to show differences
> in POST fields. Yes and both (ORA_WWV-nFa8PnpRSIhvaZ1y372N5oNh and still
> working for me ORA_WWV_APP_123=ORA_WWV-GZ16jkW5CQEUTFD0Qi9Xis6Y)
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