2015-03-07 11:04 GMT+02:00 Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au>:
> On Fri, 2015-03-06 at 08:28 -0700, Pete Travis wrote:
>> No, the journalctl man page does not tell you about ntp logs, nor do
>> the rsyslog pages explain grep :)
> ;-)
> The man page suggested that the search parameter was a service name
> (that I wouldn't know, at the time), as opposed to just being a keyword
> I could supply to look for in a log entry.
> It's still tediously slow to use, compared to the old messages text file
> (which was only a recent log file, since the last rotation, not a huge
> behemoth).  I'm not convinced it's the best way to do things for those
> that only need to do the occasional system administration (because,
> generally, their computer just works fine).

You can limit the amount of data to be grepped or otherwise searched,
if you just tell journalctl to limit its output a bit. On a system
that is booted quite frequently, limiting oneself to just messages
since the last boot should work nicely:

  journalctl -b | grep -i ntp

If your system has a long uptime, the -b option might produce a large
amount of data. In such a case, you might instead use the --since

  journalctl --since '-1 week' | grep -i ntp

I would usually let journalctl put the results in a pager (it does
that by default when not piping) and then use the search/filter
features of less to narrow down the results. These examples use grep,
though, because you seemed to prefer using it for searching.

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