On 23.02.2015 21:25, Jim Lewis wrote:
>> On 22.02.2015 22:17, Jim Lewis wrote:
>> ...
>>>  What did I miss? I did not do anything to the printer during this time.
>> WLAN & AP devices are?
>    I'm using the 5G side of my new Netgear R6200v2 router. I'm on Time
> Warner in Oahu using an Arris Surfboard SB6183 modem. No special
> configuration except for DHCP reservations. As I mentioned before it
> can print fine now, wirelessly, but I had to change to the wired
> interface to clear out the printer out-of-ink error condition. This
> sure sounds like a bug to me. However, this is on Fedora 20 and has
> possibly already been corrected. The Fedora 21s didn't have a problem,
> nor did Fedora 14 (but it's wired only).
> Jim Lewis

That is AP/router, but what is Wi-Fi device on Fedora machine?

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