>> It's a hell of a long time since I did probabilities in high school
>> maths, but if you just use letters instead of numbers, each position
>> could be any of 26 characters (instead of 10 options)

> or maybe they did not teach you correctly. ;-)
> and, it is really not a probability calculation.

Nah, it's my memory.  And, of course, not "probability" (which is what
something else might be, based on what happened before, and not
applicable to this situation), but combinations (how many possible
combinations could there be).  

Which surely had to be 26 by 26 by 26, etc., for the number of
characters used in the password.  The first character could be anything
from A to Z (26 choices), likewise with each subsequent character.  It's
a base-26 number, instead of base-10 decimal number.

Anyway, bloody huge.

tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp

Linux 3.18.5-101.fc20.i686 #1 SMP Mon Feb 2 21:36:31 UTC 2015 i686

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George Orwell's '1984' was supposed to be a warning against tyranny, not
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