On 08.01.2015 13:03, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> On 01/07/2015 05:25 PM, poma wrote:
>> On 07.01.2015 18:35, Paul Cartwright wrote:
>>> On 01/07/2015 11:01 AM, poma wrote:
>>>> On 07.01.2015 16:35, Paul Cartwright wrote:
>>>>> On 01/07/2015 09:55 AM, poma wrote:
>>>>>>>> List of devices attached
>>>>>>>> 32009c90b9b96000    device
>>>>>>>> e9139440    offline
>>>>>>>> not sure what that means...
>>>>>> /etc/udev/rules.d/100-adb.rules 
>>>>>> SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bb4", 
>>>>>> MODE="0666"
>>>>>> $ su -c "udevadm trigger --action=add"
>>>>>> $ adb kill-server
>>>>>> $ adb get-state
>>>>>> * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
>>>>>> * daemon started successfully *
>>>>>> device
>>>>>> $ adb devices
>>>>>> List of devices attached 
>>>>>> <Serial no.>     device
>>>>>> $ adb shell
>>>>>> shell@<Product>:/ $ uname -a                                             
>>>>>> Linux localhost 3.4.67 #1 SMP PREEMPT <build date> armv7l GNU/Linux
>>>>> I didn't have that file, so I created it with that line...
>>>>> adb get-state
>>>>> unknown
>>>>> [root@localhost log]# adb devices
>>>>> List of devices attached
>>>>> e9139440    offline
>>>>> yet file manager shows the phone folder and I can browse my pictures...
>>>> ADB connection differs from USB_STORAGE/MTP/PTP.
>>>> It's about managing devices, not just about sharing files.
>>>> Ref.
>>>> http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html
>>> so I disabled developer options, enabled it again, checked the USG
>>> debugging box, and tried again. I still get:
>>> adb: unable to connect for backup
>>> adb: unable to connect for backup
>>> adb: unable to connect for backup
>> $ adb backup -all 
>> Now unlock your device and confirm the backup operation.
>> ...
>> $ file backup.ab 
>> backup.ab: Android Backup, Compressed, Not-Encrypted
>> What is the output of the command:
>> $ adb shell getprop ro.build.version.release
> I just realized, I rebooted earlier this morning, NOW the holo backup
> works, as does the adb backup command...
> but it creates a zero byte file, no matter what I select to backup..

{} Android device:
     System settings  
       -> Developer options
         -> Desktop backup password

{} Fedora machine:
   $ adb backup -all
   Now unlock your device and confirm the backup operation.

{} Android device:
   Use a same "Desktop backup password" to encrypt the full backup

{} Fedora machine:
   $ file backup.ab 
   backup.ab: Android Backup, Compressed, Encrypted (AES-256)

   $ java -jar abe.jar unpack backup.ab backup.tar "Desktop backup password"
   Strong AES encryption allowed
   Version: 1
   Compressed: 1
   Algorithm: AES-256
   377033728 bytes written to backup.tar.

   $ file backup.tar 
   backup.tar: POSIX tar archive

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