On Wed, 2014-12-24 at 14:53 +0000, John Austin wrote:
> Hi
> I have a fully updated F21 installation as follows
> lightdm, XFCE and I am using evolution and spamassassin
> I am using home directories mounted over NFS and hence
> the user's evolution configuration is identical when logged into
> an F20(paxos) or F21(lefkada) machine
> Whenever a user on F21 receives email and
> "Check incoming mail for junk" is enabled in evolution
> Preferences/Mail_Preferences - ALL mail is sent to "Junk"
> This does not happen on F20 machines - it is scanned for spam correctly
> I then assumed that spamassassin had not been setup correctly in F21 as
> When I run sa-update I get
> [root@lefkada:~]$ sa-update
> error: no mirror data available for channel updates.spamassassin.org
> channel: MIRRORED.BY file URL was not in DNS, channel failed
> However, this "currently" (but maybe not in the past)
> also occurs on an F20 machine!
> [root@paxos:~]$ sa-update
> error: no mirror data available for channel updates.spamassassin.org
> channel: MIRRORED.BY file URL was not in DNS, channel failed
> A full output is given below
> -------------------------------------------------------
> This DNS lookup does work
> dig -t TXT 0.4.3.updates.spamassassin.org
> ...
> ;0.4.3.updates.spamassassin.org.        IN      TXT
> 0.4.3.updates.spamassassin.org. 3600 IN CNAME
> 2.3.3.updates.spamassassin.org.
> 2.3.3.updates.spamassassin.org. 3600 IN TXT     "1647505"
> ...
> -------------------------------------------------------
> I have searched but have not found any recent information
> There was a problem with perl-Net-DNS in mid 2014 eg
> https://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=7057
> -------------------------------------------------------
> [root@lefkada:~]$ rpm -qa|grep spam
> claws-mail-plugins-spam-report-3.11.1-2.fc21.x86_64
> evolution-spamassassin-3.12.9-1.fc21.x86_64
> spambayes-1.1-0.10.b1.fc21.noarch
> spamassassin-3.4.0-12.fc21.x86_64
> [root@lefkada:~]$ rpm -qa|grep perl-5.18.4-305.fc21.x86_64
> perl-5.18.4-305.fc21.x86_64
> [root@lefkada:~]$ rpm -qa|grep -i net-dns
> perl-Net-DNS-0.81-1.fc21.x86_64
> -------------------------------------------------------
> It is also possible that none of the above is causing the problems!
> Help!
> John

This seems to solve the problem - so far!

cd /var/lib/spamassassin/3.004000/updates_spamassassin_org
curl -O http://spamassassin.apache.org/updates/MIRRORED.BY
sa-update -D -v

/var/lib/spamassassin/3.004000/updates_spamassassin_org is now fully populated!

and the mail does not go into the Junk folder by default!


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