On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Ranjan Maitra
<maitra.mbox.igno...@inbox.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> A recent update with new kernel has broken my boot. This is what happens: I 
> boot in through grub. Pretty soon, I get:
> Generating "/run/initramfs/rsdsosreport.txt"
> Welcome to emergency mode! After loggin in, type "journalctl -xb" to view 
> system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ^D to try 
> again to boot into defauly mode.
> Give root password for maintenance.
> (or press Control-D to continue):
> I do not have root on this machine, so I am not sure what to do (I have sudo 
> status). What am I supposed to do? (I may say Ctrl-D does get me the login 
> screen, but why this message and rigmarole)?

It sounds like something required wasn't ready, and caused boot to get
dropped at emergency.target. By the time you control-D to continue,
the require thing is ready so boot continued. Speculation.

Anyway, if you can locate /run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt and post it
somewhere, that'd be useful at figuring out what the problem is. Also
include version of dracut:
$ rpm -q dracut

Chris Murphy
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