I have a 1TB hard drive on which I have a couple of other Linux distros
installed.  Distro 1 has its root on /dev/sdb1 and then swap as
/dev/sdb2 with the home partition on dev/sdb5.  Distro 2 has its root on
/dev/sdb6, swap on /dev/sdb7, and home on /dev/sdb8.
When I go to install Fedora 20, it sees the free space (about 800GB) on
sdb, but insists on installing the first partition I create for it
(root) on /dev/sdb3.  It doesn't appear that this works as the install
fails with insufficient space, but I don't see how to overwrite during
the install the option for the first Fedora partition to be /dev/sdb9
instead (and proceed from there).

Am I missing something?  Is this possible?


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