On 10/28/2014 07:47 PM, Doug wrote:
On 10/28/2014 08:46 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 10/28/2014 05:25 PM, jd1008 wrote:
As my time is not infinite :) I decided to install pclinuxos with kde DE and bfs-PAE kernel. Yes, I will be spending some time, maybe 8 or 16 hours bringing this lady up to speed on basic things. I will certainly automate
the updates, so she will not have to interact with the process at all.

I don't know how PCLinuxOS handles updates, but generally speaking you either need to supply the root password (or, if you're in the wheel group your password) to authorize installing the updates. Is this going to be an issue, or is it something she's willing to put up with?

In any event, please keep us informed. I doubt that I'm the only one here other than you who gets asked about installing/using Linux by people who want to get away from Windows but want something that Just Works. Up until now, I've been pointing them at Ubuntu, but if PCLinuxOS is even easier, that gives me another option.

When you develop an automatic update routine for PCLOS, it would be good if you would post it, preferably on the PCLinuxOS Forum, or if not, then here, and
with your permission, I will pass it on to the Forum.


Hi Doug,
So far, I have only found this for automatic updates, but it is not sufficient for my intentions:

*4. Enable Automatic Updates*
Open the Configure your Computer (PCLinuxOS Control Center)
Click on System
Click on Manage System Services
Check APT to start at boot
Click on Start
Click OK

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