On 10/28/14 07:43, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Oct 2014 00:22:43 +0100 poma <pomidorabelis...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 27.10.2014 23:41, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to install (and use) Fedora 20/21 on an old Gateway TB120 
>>> tablet PC (2Gb memory, 300GB disk, Core2 Duo processor, etc) that has been 
>>> lying around at work. I was wondering if anything special is needed wrt 
>>> installation and how to get the stylus, etc going. According to the shell 
>>> of the laptop, it appears to have a Wacom device. Is there any place I can 
>>> read up on this? I am interested in being able to use the tablet features 
>>> and the stylus. 
>>> Is the generic Fedora Gnome spin the best one to use or is something else 
>>> more preferable?
>>> Sorry for all these questions: I have no experience with tablets but I 
>>> thought that this might be worth trying and learning!
>>> Thanks again for any advice!
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Ranjan
>> Call AdamW, 
>> https://www.happyassassin.net/fedlet-a-fedora-remix-for-bay-trail-tablets/
> Thanks! I read this earlier this morning, but I was not sure if this applied 
> to a tablet pc. But i guess it does apply to those. The picture threw me off 
> because it made me think that it is for tablets only.
> I notice that they do not have a iso for a 64-bit machine.
> Thanks!
> Maybe I will try this first.

You have an old Gateway TB120 Tablet PC and this spin is for "Intel Bay 
Trail-based tablet devices with 32-bit firmwares".   And you're going to try it 

Is your old Gateway a "Bay Trail-based tablet device"?

If you can't laugh at yourself, others will gladly oblige.
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