I have a complex firewall setup running on an older version of Fedora, and I'd
like to upgrade to RHEL7 or recent Fedora. Unfortunately, I can't really do what
I need using firewalld, so two questions:
1 - has anyone done this and were there any serious gotcha's?
2 - is it as easy as removing firewalld and installing networkmanager with yum?
This setup uses two (soon three) ISP connections, any of which can be used as
default, two secure internal networks, and one DMZ for servers. Some connections
must be forced out via a defined ISP, and since Linux doesn't source route like
BSD, I can't just set the source IP and have the packet go out the right
interface, hoops must be jumped.
Any experience to share?
bill davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
CTO TMR Associates, Inc
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