On 10/23/2014 08:06 PM, Rick Stevens wrote:
On 10/22/2014 07:17 PM, Fulko Hew issued this missive:

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 10:06 PM, Kevin Cummings
<cummi...@kjchome.homeip.net <mailto:cummi...@kjchome.homeip.net>> wrote:

     On 10/22/2014 08:31 PM, Rick Stevens wrote:
     > Back in the day (late 70's), we had a "VCC". Clever reuse of the
     > nomenclature for the primary voltage supply to a chip, but in this
     > it meant "Valley Computer Club". This was when we used to
     wire-wrap our
     > own circuit boards and the Zilog Z80 was brand-spankin' new!
     >       "Geeze! It runs at 4 MHz? And you have 32K of static RAM? Wow!"

     Been there, done that, (still) got the IMSAI.

Been there, done that too, got the tee shirt, (still got the Altair!)

I still have the Imsai, Altair, Poly88, Cromemco, Sol20, Vector88 and a
bunch of other very weird stuff (Tarbell ACI, ASR33 teletype, OpLabs
paper tape reader, etc., etc.)

"I'm not a hoarder! I'm an archivist!" :-)
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-               500: Internal Fortune Cookie Error                   -

You guys have kept the old hardware. I only have the tee shirt--I wrote
a short article for the magazine of The Big Board (can't remember the name of
the mag) telling how to improve the video bandwidth, and they sent me a
tan-color tee-shirt with "Author" in big letters on it. The only old computer
I sort of wish I still had was the Atari, but I guess it would seem awfully
crude by today's standards. Especially the video. It was my first color
computer but it sure didn't have a lot of pixels!
Enough reminiscing.
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