On Fri, 2014-09-26 at 23:11 +0200, Paolo De Michele wrote:
> hi everybody,
> I'm not be able to boot fedora 20 x64 or x32 from usb (I tried fedora
> kde live, fedora complete and centos 6.5 minimal)
> I used a lot of software like liveusb-creator, unetbootin and the shell
> command like dd
> the pendrive is formatted in vfat and the client is a veriton N281G (on
> the bios I see that support removable devices)
When you are copying complete image to flash drive, you don't need to
format it. (useless action, you will overwrite it later)
> the shell command is: dd if=/dir/file.iso of=/dev/sdx1 bs=1M
> with liveusb-creator and the unetbootin the steps are via gui
Not sure for centos images (I think older ones are not compatible to be
directly copied to device, and don't know for new ones >=7. But fedora
should work fine, and when you do it, you don't copy your image to the
partition, but to the device, so of=/dev/sdx1 is wrong, (1,2,3.... ) is
a partition number. 
You need something like this 
# dd if=<fedora_iso_image> of=/dev/sdx  (where X can be a,b,c,...)
Be careful with this method it will overwrite device with data of size
of the image ... 
More info on writing usb images 

And always when you download ISO images verify them 
> so, where I wrong?
> let me know, thanks in advance
> regards

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