> OK, I have the rpm pf skype which was built for fc18:
> skype-
> but it still depends on i686 libs and other components.
> I was wondering if there is a way to extract the spec file
> from it and rebuild it (i.e. relink it) with 64bit libs, by
> editing the spec file, and running rpmbuild ...etc.
To make a 64-bit build of the application, you would need to actually
compile the sources with a compiler that targets the 64-bit
instruction set. This requires access to application source code.
Source code to the Skype client is not available.

My impression is that the skype "x86_64" rpm is still the same 32-bit
application that ships in their 32-bit package.

Fortunately, an x86-64 Fedora installation can easily run also 32-bit

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