On 31.08.2014, Tod Merley wrote: 

> I am simply seeking thoughts on the basic approach, alternatives, other
> things to do to make a secure transaction environment.
When logging into your bank account (or the like) the very first time,
make a copy of its certificate/fingerprint. Every time you connect, 
verify the certificates fingerprint first. If it differs,
take contact with your bank to make sure that it was changed. Do not
enter anything. This procedure will make it impossible to phish or
MITM'ing your credentials.

Second: use a good password manager, e.g. keepassx or the like.

Unlike others in this thread, I would not recommend you to install all
these add-ons, but trying to keep your system as native as
possible. The more you add, the more you risk to be exploitable and to
encounter bugs.

Just my 5ΓΈ.

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