> On my old system I use 1TB disks, with /boot as raid1, and grub 
> boot-loader installed on all disks. On that one I can boot the system 
> from any of disks. Which is quite handy.
> The problem here seem to be that due to the disks being large (larger 
> than 1TB) they are setup as GPT (GUID Partition Table), and they then 
> also need a BIOS boot partition to work on non UEFI based systems (if I 
> have understood it correctly).
> So, to be able to boot from any of the disks, I need a BIOS boot 
> partition on all disks, but anaconda seem to only install it on one of 
> the disks (i.e. I want the exactly identical partition tables on all disks).
> Lars

   gdisk will seamlessly convert an existing DOS partition table made by say
fdisk, parted, gparted, ... to GPT format on the fly without disturbing the 
any actual parttions ( you may want to back up first though ... ) .  

 Additionally, I have not had any problems getting 3-4 year old standard dumb
BIOS to boot from a 3TB drive . Never tried with UEFI though. 


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