Hi, thanks for help,

>> I installed a color profile for my LCD monitor.
> Where did it come from?

I measured it with a colorimeter using argyllcms.

> What do you get for?
> colormgr get-devices

Object Path:   
Type:          display
Enabled:       Yes
Embedded:      Yes
Model:         P170HMx
Vendor:        Clevo
Serial:        unknown
Seat:          seat0
Scope:         temp
Colorspace:    rgb
Device ID:     xrandr-Chi Mei Optoelectronics corp.
Profile 1:     icc-9eb6fda60c1c8fcffd3111c8931dd354
Profile 2:     icc-3e9bad7a0d3e98539aff767539cc891d
Metadata:      OutputPriority=primary
Metadata:      XRANDR_name=LVDS-0
Metadata:      OwnerCmdline=kded4
Metadata:      OutputEdidMd5=67b7d71da13bf89f5583ec6c33a36b1b

>> When I start KDE, the
>> correct profile is applied but 1second later, it is disabled. I see
>> that because the background picture changes dramatically. Why?
> Can you see anything in the journal at the time of starting KDE and 
> subsequent disabling?

The log is attached. What follows may be relevant. It seems to me that
the profile is correctly applied. I do not see anything removing it.
However, I discovered that without the nvidia proprietary driver,
there is no issue... I filed a bug at nvidia but I doubt anybody will

colord[842]: Profile added: icc-47e361dbcd0364df8d8878267f9d3810
                                            colord[842]: Profile
added: icc-3e9bad7a0d3e98539aff767539cc891d
                       colord[842]: Automatic database add
icc-3e9bad7a0d3e98539aff767539cc891d to xrandr-Chi Mei Optoelectronics
colord[842]: Automatic database add
icc-9eb6fda60c1c8fcffd3111c8931dd354 to xrandr-Chi Mei Optoelectronics
colord[842]: Automatic metadata add
icc-3e9bad7a0d3e98539aff767539cc891d to xrandr-Chi Mei Optoelectronics
colord[842]: Device added: xrandr-Chi Mei Optoelectronics corp.

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