On 06/27/2014 06:11 PM, Zoltan Hoppar wrote:
You can see your installed updates within yum history, and look for
touchpad drivers, and other drivers too. But most of the drivers are
inside the KERNEL, therefore a kernel is also suspect. I'm sure we can
narrow down the amount of packages - if you provide more information
like your current kernel version, dmesg - fpaste link.. maybe I can
say more.
2014-06-27 23:32 GMT+02:00 Temlakos <temla...@gmail.com>:
The latest updates--pushed yesterday--cause the touchpad on my Dell Inspiron
1545 to run v-e-r-y s-l-o-w.
It was so bad, I tried to reinstall Fedora.
At first the reinstall restored the swift movement of the touchpad pointer.
But as soon as it took the updates, everything slowed down once again.
When I run in Setup, the touchpad cursor moves swiftly. But not when Fedora
is loaded.
What a time for this to happen. I simply cannot use it for any kind of
presentation in the shape it's in.
What package might I possibly be able to roll back until somebody fixes the
kernel version 3.14.8-200.fc20
I never used dmesg, so have no way to figure out how.
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