On 06/27/2014 02:32 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> I was able to complete this task, and now in the my computer exists a
>> directory: /home/my_name/Desktop/hplip-3.14.6
>> (I think in this directory is istalled the driver).
> Unless I'm badly mistaken, that's not a directory, that's the file you
> downloaded.  Now, you have to make it executable and run it to install
> the driver.  (I can't think of any good reason why a driver would even
> try to install itself to a directory like that.)
> -- 
I just went to the site, and the actual file is hplip-3.14.6.run


you do have to make that executable, then run it.

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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