On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 9:32 PM, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:

> On 06/23/2014 08:18 PM, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
>> So, I first defragmented and then tried to shrink the W7 partition on
>> Windoze. However, the 500 GBib disk is shown as having only 226 GB
>> availability. What is in the rest of it? This is new and I have only
>> logged in, not added anything. What would happen if I used the Fedora
>> Installer (anaconda? ) to shrink? How does one do this without
>> removing/erasing/damaging the partition?
> My understanding is that it's safer, in general, to shrink ntfs partitions
> from within Windows.  However, you might consider getting a live image of
> GParted from here: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php making a
> LiveCD/USB and using that to see just what's on your hard drive and doing
> whatever shrinking is needed from that first.  Anaconda may be able to
> shrink partitions, but I've never needed to do it and don't know how
> reliable it is.  In any event, please make sure that you have a backup of
> that partition before you modify it.
> --

​The only software I have used that CONSISTENTLY and RELIABLY shrunk
an NTFS partition to make room for dual boot (installation of another OS),
has been ParttionMagic 8.0.
Unfortunately, it is only available for win32. It will NOT run on
win64. I know, because I tried it!

On win32, it will shrink NTFS to the desired size and fix any
dependencies in the bootstrap code and the boot sector.
​After it finishes, you need to reboot windows for it to
complete the operation, and you're done.
I have tried Linux based software for shrinking NTFS windows
partitions - and windows became unbootable, so that using the
windows install DVD to run fixboot and fixmbr did not work at all!!!
Was a big loss!!
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