On 23 June 2014 20:33, Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Tim:
>>> Why the hell couldn't the computer just have said to set the clock
>>> manually, since it couldn't manage to do it itself, instead of some
>>> moronic number code?
> Liam Proven:
>> I know this was a rhetorical question, but:
>> These days software is expected to be localised into hundreds of
>> different languages. Until that is done, the programmer does not know
>> and must not assume what script/alphabet/language/character set an
>> error might appear in, let alone what words it will contain.
> That's all well and true, but you'd expect an American english program
> to have error messages in that language, at least.  Sure, by all means
> put an easy to copy and paste error code for uses to search for more
> info it needs it, as well, but put a written message along with it.
> It's just the sort of moronic thing that we'd come to expect with
> Winblows.  What could have been an easily user-fixable thing (reset the
> clock), becomes a service call for average users who don't know how to
> get past error number x0e4343243 which gives no clue, nor any way to
> find out what it might mean if you can't do a google search.

Your quoting is... odd.

But no, not really. If you don't leave space for text, you just raise
a numbered error and another program catches that and replaces the
number with a message. It's a lot easier to Google a message.

But it's good practice to /avoid/ presenting text errors at the lowest level.

Let's say you have no cut and paste available to you. Could you Google
this on another computer?


Now let's assume we were both Japanese. Could we record and search
accurately for a written sentence in English?

Probably not.

But we could write down 795237975 and search for it...

Liam Proven * Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk * GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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