On 06/07/14 20:07, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 06/08/14 10:15, don fisher wrote:
All of the configuration files have changed from my previous version (I think
it is F17). Is there documentation on how to set up acpi? Is there
documentation of all of these other changes? I am command line orientated and
have trouble finding where things are. Pleases help a non-windows orientated
Your question seem very general and vague to the point where I, for one, would
find it hard to answer.
Try asking specific questions, one subject per post. Meaning if you want to
know about DNS configuration and sendmail configuration don't lump those
As for "acpi" what do you mean by setting it up? Do you have, for example, a
Toshiba laptop and do you need to install acpitool?
root@meimei ~]# dnf info acpitool
Available Packages
Name : acpitool
Arch : x86_64
Epoch : 0
Version : 0.5.1
Release : 7.fc20
Size : 57 k
Repo : fedora
Summary : Command line ACPI client
URL : http://freeunix.dyndns.org:8000/site2/acpitool.shtml
License : GPLv2+
Description : AcpiTool is a Linux ACPI client. It's a small command line
: application, intended to be a replacement for the apm tool.
: "basic" ACPI information like battery status, AC presence,
: the laptop to sleep, Acpitool also supports various extensions
: Toshiba, Asus and IBM Thinkpad laptops, allowing you to change
: LCD brightness level, toggle fan on/off, and more.
Is this page of value? http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/index.html
Thanks for getting back. I receive a message from one of my older apps
asking if I have loaded the 'battery' module. The only documentation I
see for acpid does not go into how to configure for different modules. I
looked under /etc/acpi and co mention of battery exists. I did not see
On my old system there was /lib/systemd/system/acpid.service. Does not
appear to be here any more.
My question was vague because I have been away from system configuration
for awhile. My last system would not let me update files because of an
error between yum and dbus that I could not resolve. I was looking for a
system administration manual that described how things work, which files
they use etc. When systemd came out Lennart had a 3 part description for
why it was there and what was changed. I was looking for similar
documentation for other changes. Or at least pointers to the appropriate
man pages. I do not like to work blindly through GUI wizards, like you
do under Windows.
Thanks again.
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