Bruno Wolff III wrote:

>>> For one thing the depsolving algorithm used by yum is slow.
>>Not so an ordinary human could notice it compared (for
>>example) to the time it takes to rebuild the rpms
>>from the deltas.
> That depends on how much stuff you update at once. Try updating 6000
> packages (which I just did yesterday and will be doing again on
> multiple systems after the mass rebuild) and you will notice some delay.

This seems to me to encapsulate the basic argument I have with Fedora,
which Stallman touched on in the quote I gave:
how many people try to update 6000 packages at one go?
What percentage of Fedora-users? 0.01%?

The Fedora developers seem to follow the advice of de Valera,
president of Ireland in the distant past,
"If I wish to know what the Irish want, I look into my own heart."

It seems to me that it would be simple to find out what users actually want,
eg by a (voluntary) questionnaire at installation-time.
In my view, Fedora attaches far too much weight to the views of developers
as opposed to the wishes of mere users.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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